Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Allison Paige Oberfield

A week before Spring break in 2006 my life changed forever. Being the loser I was.. I was watching fantastic four with my little brother Jayton on out brand new mini DVD player! We thought it was sooo cool to watch a movie on a tiny screen in front of the year old TV. (shows how spoiled our generation is) anyways... as I was watching the movie I hear Karia Lewis come downstairs and ask for our blockbuster movies so she could return them and get new ones to watch with Emily as there babysitting. With Koria was the girl she didn’t know why Emily was watching her because she was my same age. She was laughing at the ridiculous Size of the screen and I quickly left to block buster with them. (anything to get out of the house on a Friday night) we watched Just Like Heaven, at the Dellers and quickly became best friends. That summer we became very close. I found they're was fun activities you could do outside of your house. I never had a close Friend cause I was always in a focus school with friends that lived 30 minutes away. So I was soo glad to have a close friend. And it was even better to have a new friend at church. Her mom and step dad started coming to church and brought Meghan, Allie, and Logan. Allie soon was a part of my family and always calls my mom "mom" and dad "dad". The next year Tim and Christine Green got baptized. Something always talked about and would bring tears to many eyes. Allie was her older sister Meghan, with their rapidly growing testimonies, desperately wanted to get baptized, but didn't have permission from their loving dad. In March 2008 the Salt River Ward, my ward, fasted that they would soon receive permission to join the church. In my first full 24 hour fast, I was not hungry, because I desperately wanted this for them, and the lord was with me the entire time. My family and I were uplifted the hole day and the next day,(Monday) I received a text message telling me her father approved. On the day of her baptism I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost and people could barely understand what I was saying threw my tears. When we went into the baptism room I gave her the biggest hug because I was so happy for her!

I love you Allie and I’m so grateful your my best friend

(I began writing this so it would be done on her 1 year birthday and our 2 year Reunion, but not everything is plan well. )

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey Hey I'm Hannah Brown, i was born and almost raised in Mesa AZ(I'm still growing!)  i love it here and never want to move.  i am 14 years of age(surfs up! Heid) in the eight grade, currently attend Mesa Academy and soooo eXtremal lucky to attend my school and not have to deal with the typical Jr. high temptation, and tension. i love my church and ward family, i don't think i could get there my hard times with out them. i have an awesome Bishop! Bishop walker, have never had to talk to him,Luckily, (wait except to interview for my partiarical (idk how to spell it) blessing and tithing haha). one person in my ward i will always remember and love for ever is Sister Kathy Penrod! She was my young women's leader over a year ago and i loved it when she would teach the lesson cause she's such a great mom and someone i would like to be like when i grow up! LOL (Lots Of Love).

I'd Die With Out Them

My FaMilY is the MOST important thing to me, i Trust them with anything. Not A dAy goeS by i don't THink about them, cause it would be eXtreamly hard to ignore the out ragusly funnY, sWeaT and sPritual Actions i WatcH them Preform Every daY. To Start oFf i have my DAD, Charlie Brown, without the influence of my dad i would not have as stong as a testimony as i do today. my dad is Amazing, and hilarious, he is content withhimself and i don't think he has ever been embarrassed by anything. His failth in church is soo strong and by the outragously early scripture study, listening to cHurcH music on Saturday, and Powerful words and blessings, i am a better person, and probably won't find a husband like him that treats my mom he treats her. My mom is also aMaZing, she has a very Strong testimony of missionary work and lately also family history. with her constantly out in her sewing room, it's nice to go out there and leave the world behind and talk to her. she is an awesome mom and idk how she raised all wIgHt kids, especially Chipie. Chip is my oldest brother, he is soo smart and the biggest punk i have ever encountered, he lives in Virginia with his wife and son. Stephanie is his wife and she is From utah and is a great ball rooms dancer. she is a great mother to my little nephew Ca$h. Ca$h was my first nephew who is 5 months old. i got to meat him for the first time Over ChiRstmaS!! he is soo cute with his cricked head. i love him soo much and can NOT wait to see him and is family again. Bath is Married to Jordan Jobe and just had her first BAby ADELLA MARIE!! Bath has always been my sister i feel the most grown up around and she has always spoiled me! i LovE her And always have fun With Her. Jordan has the biggest muscles i have ever seen!!!!! and it look soo silly and sweat when her hold Little Della and shows that the biggest men have a soft spot! and Little Adells is sooo precious! I lovE Her and Can't wait to take her shopping when i'M olDer and spoil her like her mom spoiled me! Nest is mY brOther and his wife Anne!! Paul, like chip, is a punk, (don't worry CHIP you still MeAner!! : ) ) and his wife an is soo nice and fun to talk to, they are going to have thier first baby at the end of this month! i can't wait! The live in Southern CaLifornia so Hopefully a beach trip in February! Becky is the fourth in my family (and i'm only half way done!!) she is soo funny, and you don't realize how funny she is until you truly know her! then There is Emily. Emily would always the sister you couldn't communicate with, but the last year when she lived her we became soooo close. with our Thursday shopping habits and midnight twilight purchases, we built an unbreakable bond. Heidi is 19 and my closest sis in age. i always felt left out when her and em hung out and left me out but in the last year she lived at home, we also become close, we always had to share a room, and i hated it, but we bonded with out knowing it and i miss her living at home. You don't know what you got till it's gone. Jayton is my little bro. he is soo cute and super spoiled!! i love him though i love watching my reality TV shows with him and having him make fun of the drama! i love going to school with him everyday and bugging the crud out of him. i love My FAmily. If i were to ask who you most favorite people are you probably wouldn't be able to go into depth of 8 people and there spouses, and have as deep as a relationship with each of them as i do! i love them and truly would not be the person i am today without them.